martes, 11 de junio de 2019

The story of a lie

My name is Julieta I am 17 years old, I want to tell you the story of how I felt to enter high school. It was a bit strange but,well, let’s start.
On my first day of classes I was excited but also nervous because all going to be different now.
Everything was fine until exams began.
I was always a brilliant student but i started to get bad grades and I didn’t want to tell my family because I was afraid of disappointing them.
This continue for 3 months until they found out.
I continue with this madness for months, I swear,I tried, but......, could not.
The principal ask my parents to go talk.
I said that my teachers still not delivering the exams.
Then the truth came to light. I lie all the time but they don’t understand that is not to disappointing them.
They explained to me that they would help me no matter what happened and I understood that is better to say the hard truth than to lie mercilessly.
Hope you like my story and now I’m going to study because I have my final exam to enter university with honors because with all the support I can.


1 comentario:

  1. Lola, your story is very good. There are some tense mistakes and some words are missing though.
    Mark: 9, 50
